USPS Change Of Address Form


Most of us have to move house several times in our lives. The bureaucracy involved can be quite arduous but one task that everyone should do as soon as possible is completing the USPS Change of Address Form. While completing the form isn’t all that hard, finding the correct document is often easier said than done. These days the USPS prefers people film their change of address online. However, you should be able to request a hard copy of the document at a post office. If you struggle, here is a downloadable template of the USPS Change of Address Form.

Once you’ve got your hands on the correct document, it’s time to do the necessary and fill in the form. We’ve also included some tips to help you along the way.

USPS Change Of Address Form

USPS Change Of Address Form
Release Date3575 MAY 2008

Tips For Filing In Your USPS Change Of Address Form

  • Starting at the top of the form, you’ll need to begin by filling in sections one and two. Section one simply asks whether the move involves an individual, a family or a business. Section two asks you to declare if the move is permanent or temporary
  • Moving onto sections three and four. Section three asks for the effective day of the move and section four asks you to indicate when to discontinue the forwarding of your mail (if the change of address is temporary).
  • Section five simply asks you to fill in your name.
  • If you are moving a business, then complete section six with the business’ name.
  • Section seven asks for the old address details while section seven is for the new address.
  • Finally, section nine asks you to clearly print your name and then sign and section ten asks you for the date.
  • The sections on the right side of the form are for official use only, so no need to concern yourself with that.

To conclude, while completing this document online may be the most convenient option, people are concerned with online scams and what could happen if a document like the USPS Change of Address Form featuring your full name and address details fell into the wrong hands. So be warned! It’s an easy document to complete and shouldn’t take you more than a few minutes so good luck!

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