A Court of Silver Flames


Continuing her beloved A Court of Thorns and Roses series, Sarah J. Maas gives us A Court of Silver Flames — expanding her cast and developing the world so many readers have become obsessed with.

Promising lots of action and an intriguing love story, this new installment comes almost three years after the last. Does it live up to the anticipation?

A Court of Silver Flames

A Court of Silver Flames
Release DateFebruary 16, 2021
AuthorSarah J. Maas
File Size9671 KB

What is A Court of Silver Flames about?

A Court of Silver Flames is a new adult high fantasy novel. As with the other books in the series, it takes place in Prythian — a faerie land that is filled with strange beasts, political intrigue, war and romance.

This new novel focuses on Nesta Archeron, marked by a mercurial temper and deep pride. She has been forced into a difficult position as High Fae, something she didn’t want. And now, she must work closely with Cassian, the General of the Night Court.

Nesta and Cassian do not get along. In fact, they seem specially made to get on each other’s nerves. Nevertheless, they have to work together closely — and the desire for one another, despite or because of their fighting, becomes undeniable.

In this book you’ll find war brewing and monsters afoot, and plenty of sexual tension.

Is A Court of Silver Flames about Feyre?


Feyre is a favorite character in the series. In all the books before this one, she has served as the protagonist. It was her killing of a wolf that led to her being brought to the fae lands and the reader being introduced to them. It’s through her eyes that we came to understand the world of Prythian.

But this new work puts Feyre’s sister Nesta at the center of the action. That has proven to be a controversial decision, but one that seeks to broaden the story. That makes sense after a few years away from the last release. It gives the world a grander feeling, if anything, and we’ll just have to wait and see if Maas returns to Feyre in the future.

Is A Court of Silver Flames worth reading?

If you love the series, there is no reason to wait. A Court of Silver Flames takes you on a new adventure in Prythian with plenty of intrigue in the Night Court.

If you haven’t tried the series yet, this might not be the best place to start. Go back to 2015’s A Court of Thorns and Roses to begin at the beginning. In that novel, Maas sets up the world and the complex politics and history involved.

These are books for lovers of high fantasy, particularly if you prefer the new adult writing style that seems to dominate speculative fiction today.

If that’s your thing, this series is one of the most popular and enjoyable today. And you’ll want to start soon, because Hulu has optioned it for a possible television series.

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